Author: Sarune Zybartaite

first fine in Lithuania

First GDPR fine issued in Lithuania

A year after GDPR came into force, the Lithuanian Data Protection Authority (VDAI) has issued its first administrative fine. UAB ‘Mister Tango’, a company that provides financial operation services globally, was fined 61,500 EUR in respect of

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GDPR in B2B Marketing

GDPR in B2B Marketing

There are two separate EU level regulations to follow when processing personal data for direct marketing in B2B and B2C activities. Privacy and Electronic Communication Directive 2002/58 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and local adaptation

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GDPR: IP Anonymization on Google Analytics

IP Anonymisation on Google Analytics

Many companies use Google Analytics as their assistive tool in order to collect valuable information about customer behaviour on websites, mobile apps etc. By default, Analytics uses the entire IP address of website users to provide

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